Intentional Divorce Insights

Don’t Forget to Consider This When Evaluating Your Divorce Settlement

When I look at divorce settlement proposals for clients, there’s one thing I consider above everything else. I’d encourage you to do the same. In evaluating your divorce settlement, think of this first and foremost: Are you able to uphold this agreement?

Oftentimes, people want the maximum child and/or spousal support possible...

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How to Refinance Your Home as Part of Your Divorce Financial Settlement

There are many factors to consider when putting together a financial settlement agreement, but one of the things that has come up recently among my clients has been refinancing your house as part of your divorce financial settlement

There are two main things to consider when agreeing to anything, but especially when agreeing to a...

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What No One Tells You About Divorce: Even More Things I Wish I Knew Before My Divorce

Divorce can be a bit like a special club that you never anticipated having access to. That time before divorce is confusing, hurtful, and a host of other emotions. Once you’re on the other side, you truly can see clearly again.

So, if you’re in the fog and not sure what to expect, you’re not alone. Trust me, even with the best...

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Guest Blog Post: Divorce Coaching is Not Just For the Rich and Famous


"Divorce coaching, is that something I really need, and is it worth the expense?" asked a mom in a Facebook group I joined several months ago.

The group moderator, a divorced mom who is not a divorce professional and who has never worked with a divorce coach, answered. "Divorce coaches are only for high-conflict high net worth cases." In...

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How to Thrive After Divorce: Cut Through The Noise And Prepare Well

I have worked with many women and couples through the years as a divorce financial planner and mediator, and I genuinely believe that you can thrive after divorce. I have seen it firsthand, both watching the people I’ve worked with and having been through it myself!

If there’s one common factor between all successful mediations and...

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Resources for Your First Holiday After Divorce

Your first Christmas or holiday after your divorce is going to be different. I still remember my first Christmas. I struggled to keep my routines as close to “normal” as possible, especially for my then-toddler. It’s a special circle of emotions that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

So, my friend, if you’re going...

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