Divorce Mediation Services
Helping You Achieve an Intentional & Fair Divorce Settlement
Watch the video to learn more about mediation.

Benefits of Mediation for Divorce
Mediation allows you to:
Be directly involved in developing an agreement
Maintain your privacy
Not waste time on a lengthy court process
Save money on legal fees
Have a cooperative post-divorce relationship
What is private mediation for divorce?
It’s a voluntary, confidential process by which a divorce mediator (a neutral third party) facilitates a conversation with the parties involved. The purpose of the conversation is to establish mutually acceptable agreements.
Generally, divorce mediation is a less costly process than litigation, and clients have greater control over the time and money spent.
Couples turn to divorce mediation to dissolve their marriages in a friendlier way and to be financially prudent with marital assets.
What's the divorce mediator's role?
Our highly experienced, professional-trained mediators will:
Work with you and your spouse to identify the issues that are most important to both of you
Help you determine your goals, and address your wants, needs, and concerns
Guide you and your spouse toward mutually agreeable solutions
Document everything in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) detailing all agreements you make during mediation

"Our mediator was extremely easy to work with during this challenging situation. She is very knowledgeable and unbiased when it comes to helping advise individuals through the dissolution process. I would highly recommend [Intentional Divorce Solutions] as they make it as smooth as possible."

Our mediation process:
- We start with an orientation where we review what mediation is and the role of the mediator to ensure everyone is on the same page.
- At the conclusion of the orientation session, we provide a workbook that has questions to consider and documents to gather to help you prepare for your mediation.
- We schedule mediation sessions in 2-hour time blocks with a minimum of one week in between sessions.
- At the conclusion of each session, you are provided with detailed homework to complete before the next session as well as a summary of what was discussed.
- When all of the agreements are finalized, we'll provide you with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) detailing your divorce settlement agreement.
What is negotiated during mediation?
We will cover everything needed in your settlement agreement so you will be prepared to file your dissolution in addition to anything else you may want to discuss in order to have a smooth transition and cooperative co-parenting relationship post-divorce.
The broad topics for your settlement agreement covered during mediation sessions are:
- Division of assets (and/or liabilities)
- Spousal support
- Child support
- Parenting plan
- Other items unique to the couple

"Our mediator walked us through the mediation in a way that was both professional and compassionate. She was candid throughout the process, acknowledging that it was emotional while also keeping us focused and on task."
Does mediation really work?
The most important factor in determining whether or not mediation will work for you is whether or not you and your spouse are committed to this type of divorce process.
Other factors to consider if mediation is right for you:
☑ Both parties agree to be civil in their communication.
☑ There is no history of domestic violence.
☑ Parties share a commitment to settle the terms of the divorce.
☑ Parties willingly provide full disclosure regarding assets, liabilities, and income.
☑ Neither party has denied the other access to the child(ren).
☑ Parties have a history of successfully working together to solve problems in the past.
☑ Both parties see some benefit to settling (e.g. quicker, lower legal fees, or unpredictable outcome if going to court).
Our Mediators

About Liesel Darby
Liesel Darby is an integral part of our team as a seasoned mediator and divorce coach. With a background in therapy, including mental health counseling for families and substance abuse recovery, and certification in life coaching, she brings empathy, expertise, and strategic guidance to those facing the complexities of divorce. Liesel's personal journey through divorce utilizing mediation enriches her professional insight, allowing her to offer a balanced perspective to clients.
In her role, Liesel focuses on empowering individuals to transition from a state of uncertainty to one of confidence and clarity.
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About Leah Hadley
Leah Hadley is a trained Mediator, an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC), a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA), and a Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF). She brings her personal experience as she divorced after ten years of marriage, and her own parents divorced when she was eight years old.
Due to her financial expertise, Leah specializes in mediation services for those who have some level of financial complexity they need to navigate through the mediation process. She is passionate about offering a resource that is empowering while saving clients time and money.