Intentional Divorce Insights

Why Is It Important to Navigate Family Dynamics with Family & Divorce Attorneys?

When families face legal challenges, especially those leading to or resulting from divorce, the emotional and psychological toll can be substantial. This is where the expertise of family & divorce lawyers becomes invaluable. These legal professionals do more than just provide legal counsel; they navigate the complex web of family dynamics to...

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Communication Techniques with a Difficult Ex-Spouse: Navigating Choppy Waters

Written by Liesel Darby, Mediator & Divorce Coach

Going through a divorce can already feel emotionally draining, and when your co-captain is a difficult ex-spouse, it can seem impossible to find calm waters. You're not alone on this journey; many women have navigated these choppy waters and found their way to smoother sailing. This blog...

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5 Ways to Help Create a Happy Holiday for Your Kids

Holidays are a time for family, friends and spending time together, but this can be very complicated if you’re divorced and are trying to figure out how to make it a great holiday for your kids. And if it’s your first Christmas after a divorce, there will definitely be challenges. 

I still remember my first Christmas after my...

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What No One Tells You About Divorce: Even More Things I Wish I Knew Before My Divorce

Divorce can be a bit like a special club that you never anticipated having access to. That time before divorce is confusing, hurtful, and a host of other emotions. Once you’re on the other side, you truly can see clearly again.

So, if you’re in the fog and not sure what to expect, you’re not alone. Trust me, even with the best...

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Co-Parenting Teens: Helping Your Teen Through Divorce

If love is a battlefield, then co-parenting teens is a battlefield with landmines. Teenagers can swing from adolescent to grown-up feelings (and back again) in the snap of your fingers. This confusing age is hard enough already for them to navigate. Throw in the challenges of being a teen with divorced parents, and watch the fun multiply!


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Resolve to Be a Better Co-Parent

It's that time of year again where many of us are considering how we might be better or do better in the new year with New Year's resolutions. If parenting with your ex has been a significant struggle in your life, I want to challenge you to resolve to be a better co-parent this year. If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for your...

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