Intentional Divorce Insights

Talking to Your Family Members at the Holidays About Your Divorce

Telling parents about divorce can be hard enough. I have seen the tension in a divorce increase too many times as a result of meddling family members or friends. During the holidays, we tend to interact with family members and friends more than we do all year long, so there is even more opportunity for meddling than there typically is.

From my...

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Your First Christmas After Divorce

If it's your first Christmas after your divorce and you are feeling sad or lonely or even angry, that's completely normal. Feelings often intensify around the holidays.

I remember my first Christmas after my divorce well. My ex and I didn't have a lot of conversation regarding how it was going to go. We didn't have a plan. Our divorce was still...

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30 Quotes About Gratitude to Inspire You During Tough Times

It's easy to focus on the negative when going through a divorce. In honor of this season of Thanksgiving, let's focus on the positive. Here are 30 quotes about gratitude to help you.

30 Quotes About Gratitude

"Being thankful is not always experienced as a natural state of existence, we must work at it, akin to a type of strength training for the...

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Can Pre-Mediation Coaching Really Make a Difference?

It is my pleasure to welcome our latest guest blogger, Karen Dorsey. Karen is sharing some important information about a service often overlooked - pre-mediation coaching. Often those seeking mediation are looking to save money and aren't willing to consider additional services. However, some of those cost savings measures could cost you more in...

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A Letter of Gratitude to My Ex

A letter of gratitude to my Ex in honor of this month of Thanksgiving...

To the Father of My Children, My Partner in Parenting:

I know that I haven't always been grateful. And I know there was a time in our lives when I could not think of a nice thing to say to you. There was a time when I was filled with so much hurt and anger that gratitude...

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How to Divide a 401K in a Divorce: A Step-by-Step Guide

Dividing a 401k in a divorce can be a complex process. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps on how to divide a 401k in a divorce so you can avoid unnecessary tax burdens.

In general, there is a lot of confusion around different types of retirement accounts. Some people refer to all retirement accounts as pensions or all retirement...

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