Shared Parenting Plan Checklist

I often find myself sitting in mediation with couples who are looking for guidance when it comes to creating a parenting plan. The beauty of mediation is that you can create a parenting plan that is going to work best for your children and your family. Quite frankly, it doesn't matter what everyone else is doing. That said, there are certain elements that, from a practical standpoint, you may want to address. Here is a parenting plan checklist of items to consider.
What is a Shared Parenting Plan?
Before I get ahead of myself, what is a Shared Parenting Plan? It's a written document that details how you will co-parent. If you take the time to think through future parenting challenges that may arise, it can take a lot of stress out of co-parenting. It's like a guidebook that you created for yourselves. When we discuss your plans for shared parenting in mediation, you can determine how detailed to get. There is a Shared Parenting Agreement that will ultimately need to get filed with the Court. However, in mediation, we can explore obstacles that may arise that are not within the jurisdiction of the Court. A well-thought-out parenting plan has the potential to decrease future co-parenting-related conflict substantially. Here is a parenting plan checklist to get you started.

What should you include in a parenting plan?
Numerous elements should be included in a well-thought-out parenting plan. Here's a parenting plan checklist to get you started.
Parenting Plan Checklist:
- Parenting Schedule
- Holidays
- Birthdays and Other Special Occasions
- School Holidays, Sick Days, & Vacation
- Travel
- Discipline
- Health Care
- Education
- Financial Responsibilities
- Parent Communication
Parenting Plan Checklist Expanded:
Here are some additional details about the items listed above.
☑ Parenting Schedule:
Who will be responsible for the child(ren) and when? I often get feedback from clients that this is going to vary due to work schedules and other commitments. I get it! The key here is to create structure and routine for co-parenting and remember, it will help you to avoid future conflict. Come up with something and discuss how you will handle future adjustments to the schedule. Also, consider who will drive the kids to make the exchange. Will you meet at a neutral location or drop off at one home and pick up from the other? There's no right or wrong. Remember, this is about creating a plan that will work for your family.
What is the best schedule for 50-50 parenting?
The best schedule depends on the age of your children, how close you live together, and what is going to ultimately work best for your family. Check out the resource below for common sample 50-50 parenting schedules.
50-50 parenting plan examples:
☑ Holidays:
What family traditions are most important to you? Keep those in mind as you negotiate who will be with the kids on which holiday. If you both have family traditions on the same day, can you split the day? For example, the kids have lunch with one parent and dinner with the other? You may find it helpful to alternate certain holidays each year.☑ Birthdays and Other Special Occasions: Consider the children's birthdays as well as your birthday. Talk about family parties, graduations, and other special occasions. Depending on the age of your children, this plan may need to be flexible enough to handle numerous changes in your family. The key is coming up with a way of communicating about these events and recognizing that you are both going to have to be flexible, to some extent. Remember, it's all about doing what is in the best interest of your children. Let's face it that may not always be the most convenient thing.
☑ School Holidays, Sick Days & Vacations
When your children are school-age, what is the plan for all of those teacher in-service days, snow days, and school vacations? What about when your kids are sick?
☑ Travel:
For some families, travel is a big topic, and for others, it does not come up as much. Do you frequently travel for work? If so, how has that been factored into the parenting schedule? Do you plan to take the children on trips? If so, how far in advance will the other parent need to know? Are there any restrictions regarding where they can go or who can travel with the children?
☑ Discipline:
Have you and your co-parent been on the same page as it relates to discipline? If not, this is an especially important conversation to have. Even if you have been on the same page, expectations change as children get older. Take time to discuss not only how you will discipline your children but also how you will communicate regarding discipline in the future.
☑ Health Care:
Who will carry the children on their medical insurance? Who will be responsible for making any major medical decisions? What about unexpected medical expenses?
☑ Education:
Will one parent take the primary role when it comes to education, or will you share in this responsibility? Will you both attend parent-teacher conferences? How will report cards be handled? What about decisions regarding public vs. private schooling?
☑ Financial Responsibilities:
Everyday expenses are generally discussed in the context of child support. What about other child-related expenses such as medical expenses or extracurricular activities? How will you determine who pays for these costs? If you are sharing in the fees, you'll want to detail the logistics and percentage each parent will pay. For example, will you be consulting with the other parent before committing to an expense? How will you communicate? How long does each parent have to come up with the money to cover their share of the cost? You may find an app such as OurFamilyWizard to help track and communicate regarding these expenses.
Related post: Parenting Expenses After Divorce
Related post: Eliminate Shared Parenting Battles with a Co-Parenting App
☑ Parent Communication:
Even the most well-thought-out parenting plan is going to require some level of flexibility and communication. How will you communicate questions and concerns? With what frequency will you communicate?
Related post: Strategies for Overcoming Co-Parenting Conflicts
Use the Parenting Plan Checklist to Create a Plan that Works for Your Family
This parenting plan checklist is meant to be a starting point for you. It is not meant to be exhaustive. Remember, the great thing about the mediation process is that it gives you greater control. You can make these decisions based on the needs of your children and your family. You do not have a Court telling you how to parent. It also challenges you to think long-term about how to best parent your children moving forward.
I got divorced when my children were ages 4, 7, and 9, and my ex and I still have many years of co-parenting ahead of us. Your parenting plan is not going to be perfect, and it's not going to cover every situation that may arise. However, it can create a robust framework for interacting and decision-making going forward.
Related post: My Key to Co-Parenting Success Is Not "Putting My Children First"
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