Intentional Divorce Insights

Shared Parenting Plan Checklist

I often find myself sitting in mediation with couples who are looking for guidance when it comes to creating a parenting plan. The beauty of mediation is that you can create a parenting plan that is going to work best for your children and your family. Quite frankly, it doesn't matter what everyone else is doing. That said, there are certain...

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How to Divide Assets in a Divorce: 7 Questions to Ask Yourself

Are you worried about splitting assets in a divorce?

Worrying over financial decisions is normal on an average day, but when going through a divorce, it can be paralyzing. Unfortunately, the fear around these issues is completely warranted. You only have one chance to get it right, and your divorce could quite possibly be the largest financial...

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Dividing Pensions in a Divorce: Shared vs. Separate Interest

Dividing pensions in a divorce can be confusing. For starters, some clients that I see are often confused (even after negotiating their divorce settlement) regarding what type of retirement account(s) they have. In this blog, I am referring specifically to defined benefit plans. Defined benefit plans are retirement plans where the employee...

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Contemplating Divorce? 4 Ways a CDFA can Help Reduce Your Stress

Divorce is complicated and emotional. It's not something that people decide on a whim. It's important to research and explore all your options to create a secure financial future for yourself. Hiring a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) before you begin your divorce process is a smart choice, as it can help ease some of your stress.


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February is Divorce Month - Know Your Options

by Guest Blogger, Denise French, CRPC, CDFA

February is known as “Divorce Month” and kicks off what is known as “Divorce Season.” Do you know your divorce options?

The holidays are over; the decorations are down, and now it’s back to reality. Unfortunately, the truth is you and your spouse face another difficult,...

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Eliminate Shared Parenting Battles with OurFamilyWizard

Parenting is a tough job in the best of circumstances. Shared parenting after a divorce is a whole different ballgame. When I first went through my divorce, dealing with the most basic kid issues felt like preparing for battle with my ex again and again. It was exhausting. Quite frankly, I did not want to contact him every time I received...

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