Intentional Divorce Insights

Clearing Up Misconceptions About Thrift Savings Plans & Divorce

Let's start with the basics. When it comes to retirement accounts, there is a wide array of options available - from the popular IRAs, ROTH IRAs, and 401(K)s, to numerous other lesser-known plans. With so many choices, it can be overwhelming for individuals who are not dealing with them on a daily basis. It's crucial to understand that not all...

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What Everyone Needs to Know About Divorce and Retirement Accounts

Valuing and dividing retirement accounts is more complex than most divorcing couples expect. Below are five common questions we receive regarding divorce and retirement accounts.

1. Does a retirement account only belong to the person whose name is on it?

Imagine that only one spouse worked for most of the marriage while the other cared for...

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The Best Kept Secret of Mediation

While often considered the kinder approach to divorce compared to traditional litigation, the benefits of mediation go far beyond those simply looking for a "nicer" approach. The best-kept secret of mediation is that it is actually the couples with more conflict who can see the greatest benefit from mediation.

Those who are experiencing higher...

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Divorce and Your Mortgage


An interview with Amy Terrell, Senior Loan Officer & Certified Divorce Lending Specialist with US Lending Corp.

 I find it essential to develop a reliable network of professionals who can support my divorcing clients. There are such a wide variety of issues that arise during the course of a divorce. One that frequently occurs is...

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Exploring Ohio Spousal Support: A Look at Various Outcomes Achieved in Mediation

In initial meetings with individuals facing divorce, recurring concerns resound—questions that often torment and exacerbate the already stressful process. These shared anxieties, like "Can I hold onto our home?" and "How will I secure health insurance?" keep individuals awake at night as they navigate the intricate web of divorce...

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5 Mediation Strategies to Get What You Want

I strongly believe in the benefits of choosing mediation for your divorce but it's also important to understand the challenges and prepare for those. The decisions made in mediation can significantly impact your life for years to come. With that in mind, it can be easy to become overwhelmed during the session if you are not adequately...

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