Intentional Divorce Insights

What if your kid doesn't want to go with the other parent?

One of the hardest things to do as a divorced parent is to encourage your kids to go with your ex when they don’t want to. However, consistency is key to making those transitions easier over time. When my ex and I first separated, my youngest was a toddler. We all know how toddlers act when they're not happy. He would throw a tantrum...

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Considerations When Trying to Keep Your Pension in a Divorce

It may or may not come as a surprise to you that a pension is frequently the largest asset negotiated in a divorce. With that said, it's not a foregone conclusion that you'll have to give up a portion of your pension as part of your divorce settlement. I'm surprised by the number of cases I see in which the parties decide the pension owner will...

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How Long Does Divorce Mediation Take?

When I first meet with couples seeking mediation for their divorce, I find that many have the same questions. One common question is how long divorce mediation will take to complete. It's a tricky question to answer since many factors contribute to the completion of divorce mediation. I'll share the factors that I consider to have an impact.


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Dealing With a Breakup: 4 Simple Ways to Be Kind to Yourself

When I was dealing with my breakup, I felt a wide range of emotions - everything from sadness to shame to anger and back again. Sometimes in a matter of minutes. On my best days, I wasn't being very kind to myself and on my worst days, I was my own worst enemy.

When you're dealing with a breakup, some days are just plain rough.  Maybe...

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Tips for Rapidly Rebuilding After a Divorce or Separation

Rebuilding After Divorce

If you are struggling financially after a divorce, you're not alone. Going from one combined household to two separate ones is expensive regardless of your income or divorce settlement. With a little focus, though, you should be back on track in no time. 

Steps to Rebuilding After Divorce

Consider the...

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FAFSA Tips for Divorced Parents

Looking for FAFSA tips for divorced parents? In many of my divorce cases, how college expenses will be handled is an issue that needs to be addressed. It's common for parents to wait to divorce until their children are teenagers or young adults. This tends to be around the same time that people are preparing to send their children to college....

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