Use an Online Divorce Mediator to Streamline Your Divorce Process

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Mediation is More than Just a Virtual Reality

We often get asked if divorce mediation can work with busy schedules. And the answer is YES! Did you know that divorce mediation can be conducted anytime from anywhere? Keep reading to find out how…

What is Mediation?

Let's first talk about what mediation is. You may think of it as a process where you will be forced to talk about your problems and have decisions made for you and your soon-to-be ex. However, this is not the case! The true definition of mediation is a process where a neutral, third party assists to help resolve conflict. It is a structured, interactive process where you will be encouraged to actively participate in resolving on the issues related to your divorce such as child support, parenting schedules, division of assets, etc. 

With divorce mediation, this usually means a married couple sitting down in a room with the mediator. It's normally a face-to-face encounter. There may be a computer screen or whiteboard for notes. The meetings can take place during some "off-hours" but are typically held during the day on a weekday. For this to happen, the mediator needs to be local, and the office must be in an accessible place for both parties.  

But wait, it's 2023! Isn't there a better way? 

In our fast-paced world, where technology constantly evolves to simplify our lives, it is important to acknowledge the significant role it plays. This is especially true when it comes to divorce mediation. With the advent of round-the-clock access to computers and other devices, the process of divorce mediation has become even more convenient, easier, and faster compared to traditional in-person mediation or going through the court system.

By harnessing the power of technology, individuals can now engage in virtual mediation sessions from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need for physical presence in a legal setting. This not only saves time and money but also provides a more comfortable environment for all parties involved. Additionally, the use of digital platforms and communication tools allows for seamless collaboration, document sharing, and real-time updates, facilitating a smoother and more efficient mediation process.

Furthermore, technology offers an array of resources and tools that can aid in divorce mediation. From online calculators that simplify the division of assets and finances to secure platforms that ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information, technology provides invaluable support throughout the entire process.

The integration of technology into divorce mediation has revolutionized the way disputes are resolved, offering convenience, efficiency, and accessibility like never before. Embracing these advancements can lead to a more streamlined and satisfactory experience for all parties involved.

Here are the top 3 ways divorce mediation has improved with technology:

Online Mediation with Zoom or other Video Software

With the rise of technology and social distancing, mediation can be done virtually with online sessions using Zoom or other video software. This allows for more flexibility in scheduling. With so many of us working from home, the traditional 9-5, Monday-Friday hours are no longer applicable. Online divorce mediation sessions via video can be held during off-hours, like nights and weekends, without the inconvenience of having to travel to an office. 

The use of technology also allows the session to be conducted from anywhere. This means you can choose a divorce mediator that best fits your needs and isn't necessarily local. 

Zoom and other video software also allow the mediator to "share" the computer screen so you can see the agreement in real-time. Parenting plans, finances, and other documents can easily be discussed.

Online Mediation Makes Social Distancing Easy

And I am not just talking during the pandemic! In fact, even outside of these challenging times, there are couples who find that not being in the same physical room can actually be more comfortable and productive for them. Being in separate spaces gives them a sense of security and freedom, allowing them to be open and honest behind the safety of their computer screens. It's interesting to note that while most court appearances and legal proceedings require in-person interactions and face-to-face communication, divorce mediation online offers a unique alternative. With online mediation, couples can navigate the process from the comfort of their own homes, making it more convenient and accessible.

Speeding up the Process

Another advantage to online divorce mediation is the speed at which you can get a divorce or dissolution. Couples can have as few or as many meetings as they want or need and determine how quickly these are conducted. Based on what the couple prefers, they can finalize the agreement quickly.  

Also, since you do not need a court appearance or judge approval for divorce mediation, it can be completed more quickly. There are circumstances where courts have completely shut down for a period of time, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even once the courts re-opened, they were focused on high-priority and emergency cases, and divorce cases were put on hold. 

5 Things to Keep in Mind With Online Mediation

While online mediation over video has many benefits and advantages, there are some things to keep in mind. For a successful mediation session, you must be able to do the following: 

  1. Actively participate in the session. Both you and your spouse must be on time and ready to talk with the mediator to discuss the situation. 
  2. Be ready to receive suggestions and ideas from your spouse. Even though you're not in the same room, you both must give mutual respect and listen to thoughts or compromises in order to come to an agreement. You also need to be able to make decisions during the appointment. 
  3. Be open and honest! While it might be difficult to share personal thoughts and feelings while not being in the same room, you must be ready to do so. Honesty is an important part of the mediation process. 
  4. Be able to stay on camera. You must be ready and willing to use video and not be distracted by things going on around you. 
  5. Trust in the mediator to guide you through the process. Because you can choose a mediator that is not in the same city or local to you, it has to be one that you trust if you want to come to an agreement and resolution. You must realize that mediators are professionals and have everyone's best interests in mind!

Ready to get started? 

As you can see, technology has changed the way divorce mediation is defined and practiced. It can be quicker and more convenient than a court-ordered divorce. Click here to learn more about our mediation services.

How Our Financial Analysts Can Help Improve Your Mediation Outcomes 

A key to maximizing the efficacy of your mediation is preparation. By ensuring you're well-equipped with knowledge, you can make the most of your time and efforts. We're here to provide clarity on potential financial outcomes, preparing you to negotiate your financial settlement with confidence. Reach out to us and discover how collaborating with a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) before and during mediation can simplify decisions and reduce stress throughout the process.

Here are some other blog posts that you may find helpful.

How to Prepare for Mediation: Divorce Mediation Checklist

How to Ask Your Spouse to Mediate Your Divorce

Divorce Mediation Tips for Handling Your Emotions

5 Mediation Strategies to Get What You Want 


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