Guest Blog Post: Divorce Coaching is Not Just For the Rich and Famous

divorce coach
divorce coaching is not just for the rich


"Divorce coaching, is that something I really need, and is it worth the expense?" asked a mom in a Facebook group I joined several months ago.

The group moderator, a divorced mom who is not a divorce professional and who has never worked with a divorce coach, answered. "Divorce coaches are only for high-conflict high net worth cases." In her opinion, divorce coaches are:

  • A waste of precious resources 
  • People with no professional divorce experience 
  • A luxury reserved for the rich and famous 

Feeling overwhelmed by emotion (something I warn my clients about daily),  I could not remain silent. Offering to chat with anyone who wanted to learn more about divorce coaching. I explained that a divorce coach

  • is not just for those with a lot of money,
  • is not just for people in very high conflict cases, and 
  • is not always someone without professional qualifications.

In my haste to set the record straight, I overstepped a boundary. I got booted from the group.

Stung by rejection, I wanted to argue my case. I wanted to send a text explaining my position. I wanted to prove that I was not trying to self-promote. I quickly realized that would not be in my best interest. It would fall on deaf ears and perhaps provide more reasons to point out why I was no longer welcome. 

I needed to move on. But I was stuck. I felt angry with myself for letting my emotions get the best of meI know betterI felt shame that I was rejected from a group where I had been building relationships and helping women reduce the drama and fear surrounding divorce. I failed.


We all make mistakes. We are just trying to do the best we can with the circumstances we are handed. We are human. We have emotions. Strong, raw, overwhelming emotions. But when our emotions take control, mistakes happen. Sometimes they can be fixed, but often they can't be undone. 

A divorce coach provides 

Related post: What's a Divorce Coach, and do you need one?

A divorce coach has your back and is there to remind you that:

  • you can only control your actions and reactions
  • you waste precious time, and energy when you worry about what someone else may say or do  
  • shame, rejection, and failure are just your thoughts and feelings
  • YOU can change your thoughts that cause your feelings

Divorce coaching is not a luxury reserved for the wealthy 

Legal fees escalate and costly mistakes are made when

  • You utilize your attorney as your main source of emotional support
  • You get caught in a vicious cycle of conflict without the tools to get unhooked
  • You make decisions based on fear not fact
  • You become so tired and exasperated that you give up without understanding the consequences

Divorce coaching is for anyone: 

  • who believes they deserve better, 
  • who believes they are worth more, 
  • who just needs someone to show them the way forward.

I can help you reduce the drama and fear surrounding divorce. If you are ready to change your story and transform your divorce experience -I am the coach for you. 

Waiting only allows the drama and fear to fester. You are worth the investment in your future. You are not the victim of your circumstances. 

Schedule your complimentary consultation andlet'ss get started. Your future is waiting. 

Sharri Freedman is Your Divorce Coach. A former family law attorney now practicing as a Certified DIvorce Coach, Sharri helps you strategize best next steps so you can reduce the drama and fear of divorce and begin rebuilding relationships before, during, and after divorce.



Separation/Divorce/Co-parenting Support Facebook Group 

Guest blog post by Sharri Freedman. 
This post originally appeared on: 


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