Intentional Divorce Insights

Starting Over Financially After Divorce

Starting over financially after divorce can feel overwhelming on numerous levels. If you are recently divorced, you could still be handling your legal bills related to the divorce. Besides, you are likely trying to manage your expenses on a lower income than what you're used to while only seeing half your assets when you open your investment...

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Expert Money Management Tips for Recently Divorced Women

If you are recently divorced and managing money on your own for the first time, you are not alone. Many of the women who I work with are dealing with not only the stress of their divorce but also the need to become educated on their own personal finances. I was curious to get feedback from some of my colleagues, so I reached out to get their...

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Social Security Benefits for Divorced Spouses

There is a great deal of confusion around Social Security retirement benefits under the most straightforward circumstances. When it comes to social security benefits for divorced spouses, it's even more complicated.

First, it's important to note that social security is not divisible as an asset in a divorce. However, you may still be able to...

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