Register for the Free Workshop:

The Divorce Dilemma: Should You Stay in the Marital Home?  

Unraveling the Financial & Emotional Aspects of One of Divorce's Most Complex Decisions




Are you faced with the critical decision of whether to keep or sell the marital home during a divorce or separation?

Join us in this exclusive workshop to guide you through making this challenging decision. Whether you're in the midst of a divorce or considering separation, we will provide you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need.


What You'll Learn:

  • Financial analysis: Assess all costs related to the marital home, from mortgage payments to maintenance
  • Settlement negotiations: Explore options to consider as you negotiate your overall divorce settlement
  • Emotional factors: Understand how emotions play a significant role in this decision and learn strategies to manage them
  • Alternate options: Investigate other housing solutions and how they might be a better fit for your needs.

"Thanks for asking the hard questions and giving me things to consider. We've been so focused on temporary orders that we haven't even discussed the house or other assets."


-Recent workshop participant

Meet Your Host 

Leah Hadley, a nationally recognized financial empowerment expert, is committed to providing personalized compassionate financial guidance through life transitions. She will tell you she's had many challenging financial times in her adult life–becoming a parent of three overnight, getting divorced, and building a business from the ground up, to name a few. These have been times when her ability to hunt down appropriate resources and careful financial planning was critical to her peace of mind.

A former investment analyst, sought-after speaker, and award-winning financial planner, Leah is the founder of Great Lakes Investment Management and Great Lakes Divorce Financial Solutions. As an Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC®️), a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®️), and a mediator, Leah uses her knowledge and more than 15 years of experience to help her clients make intentional financial decisions. 

"I recently attended your workshop about the marital home and I want you to know how helpful it was. I've been working through the workbook and it has given me a whole new perspective."


-Recent workshop participant