Intentional Divorce Insights

Communication Techniques with a Difficult Ex-Spouse: Navigating Choppy Waters

Written by Liesel Darby, Mediator & Divorce Coach

Going through a divorce can already feel emotionally draining, and when your co-captain is a difficult ex-spouse, it can seem impossible to find calm waters. You're not alone on this journey; many women have navigated these choppy waters and found their way to smoother sailing. This blog...

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Navigating Life Changes: Divorce Podcasts & Other Inspiring Resources

Experiencing a divorce is undeniably one of life's most difficult challenges, often leaving individuals feeling isolated and bewildered. However, imagine having a steadfast companion who could accompany you on this journey, offering expert guidance, emotional solace, and a remarkable sense of community. Enter divorce podcasts. Spedcifically...

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Help Eliminate Shared Parenting Struggles with One of these Co-Parenting Apps

Co-Parenting Apps

I think we all can agree that parenting can be challenging even in the best of circumstances. Co-parenting after a divorce brings a whole new set of challenges. When I first went through my divorce, dealing with the most basic things related to the kids felt like preparing for battle with my ex over and over. It was...

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Harmonious Separation: A Personal Story of Amicable Divorce

Guest post by Kelly Shaw, Mediator

This is NOT your typical blog post about why to use a mediator…this is my personal story about how an amicable divorce is possible. 

If you Google "reasons to use a divorce mediator," you will get thousands of results. Luckily, most will have the same answers and give you a list of reasons. But how...

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Post-Divorce Parenting Conflict Around the Holidays

Ways to Manage the Stress of Parenting Conflict

For most of us, the holiday season is full of decorating, shopping, baking, wrapping gifts, and parties. While this can all be fun, we all know it's also stressful!

Then, there is the added pressure of parenting. School grading periods are ending, and big projects are due. There are also holiday...

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5 Ways to Help Create a Happy Holiday for Your Kids

Holidays are a time for family, friends and spending time together, but this can be very complicated if you’re divorced and are trying to figure out how to make it a great holiday for your kids. And if it’s your first Christmas after a divorce, there will definitely be challenges. 

I still remember my first Christmas after my...

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